Global HIV Numbers (2019)
38.0 million: People living with HIV (95% adults, 5% children)
25.4 million: People accessing antiretroviral therapy in 2019 (only 6.4 million in 2009)
1.7 million: People became newly infected in 2019 (2.8 million in 1998, 2.1 million in 2010)
690.000: People died from AIDS-related illnesses in 2019 (1,7 millions in 2004, 1.1 millions in 2010)
75.7 million: People have become infected with HIV since the start of the epidemic.
32.7 million: People have died from AIDS-related illnesses since the start of the epidemic.
81%: percentage of people living with HIV, aware of their HIV status (7.1 million people don’t know they were living with HIV

HIV Trends
People living with HIV accessing antiretroviral therapy
67%: Percentage of people – living with HIV – who have had access to treatments (73% of female adults, just 61% of male adults)
85%: Percentage of pregnant women – living with HIV – had access to antiretroviral medicines to prevent transmission of HIV to their child in 2019.
New HIV infections
– 40%: reduction in new HIV infections since the peak year 1998
– 23%: reduction in new HIV infections since the year 2010
– 52%: reduction in new HIV infections among children since the year 2010
AIDS-related deaths
– 60 %: reduction in AIDS-related deaths since the peak in 2004.
– 39 %: reduction in AIDS-related mortality since 2010.
Investments against HIV
$18.6 million: Investments against AIDS in 2019 (around $20 million in 2017)
$26.2 million: expected investments in 2020
What about HIV and COVID-19?
From a new analysis carried out by UNAIDS, the current COVID-19 pandemic could also have harmful effects on the distribution of antiretroviral drugs around the world. Especially in the poorest countries, the production and distribution of medicines are encountering difficulties, with the effect of increasing costs and supply problems. It is estimated that the final cost of antiretroviral medicines (exported from India) could increase between 10% and 25% compared to normal prices.
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