
Wellness is essentially wanting to love and take care of ourselves and our families, to improve the quality of our lives. Let's learn to recognize the main pitfalls that threaten our physical and mental health, and find the best ways to deal with them every day.

Which are the common symptoms of HIV?

The only way to be certain that you have contracted the HIV virus is to get tested. It is not possible to rely on symptoms only to know your real state of health.

2020-05-22Editorial staff

Treatments against Hepatitis C virus

Hepatitis C can often be successfully treated by taking medicines for several weeks. If the infection is diagnosed in the early stages, known as acute hepatitis, it may not be necessary to start treatment immediately.

2020-05-21Editorial staff

Mesothelioma: a deeper understanding of current treatments

The most common mesothelioma treatments are a mix of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. With special support treatments, it is possible to improve the quality of life. We try to understand where we are with possible therapies.

2020-05-08Editorial staff

Which are the current HIV/AIDS Treatments?

There is no cure for HIV yet. But researchers believe that we can find a cure for it. However, current HIV/AIDS treatments can control the virus and enable people to live an healthy life.

2020-04-13Editorial staff